We don't play out. We just play with ourselves. Eclectic and often amusing Music.
A Musical Journey
We're ANEPONYMOUS. We're self-named (eponymous) but really, well... anonymous. Sort of…
Our Fearless Leader, and his band of sometime (witting and unwitting) collaborators, are dedicated to producing fresh and entertaining music with traditional roots and a contemporary and often humorous approach.
Our tunes range over the heights and depths of lots of musical terrain, from folk and rock to country, blues, jazz (!?!) and an the occasional trip into R&B, Latin, pop, (also a bit of sanitized rap, which we are required to call C-rap), or whatever sound just seems to fit.
We may be best known (everything is relative) for our lyrics and firmly planted tongue-in-cheek attitude, but we can also throw the words out and revel in a good instrumental or two. Lately… three, four or more!
These are all… best experienced with a large glass of your favorite legal beverage.
Dear Listeners:
Responding to feedback on our first two albums from an anonymous fan who claimed to be a music professor at the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople, we determined to abandon vocals and lyrics altogether and venture into the wilderness of instrumentals.
The result is Old Age Music by ANEPONYMOUS, which is offered with no disrespect intended or to be inferred with respect to the great genre of New Age Music (which we like and admire very much).
The result is a gaggle of songs that have their roots in a wide range of musical styles and traditions, although we doubt we have done justice to any of them.
We recommend that your listening experience be enhanced by a set of fine headphones, and perhaps a large glass of your favorite beverage...
If you dare, click on the Old Age Music link at the top left of this page!
Musically yours,